2015 Summer Writing Programs for Students

at the Storyteller Bookstore
Get inspired this summer!
OR stop by the Storyteller FOR
Storyteller Junior Editors
Read and review upcoming books!
Ideal for opinionated readers and writers interested in the world of publishing, book reviewing, and copy-editing.
cost $115
includes materials, light snack, and copies of our annual publication, Wordwaves
Incoming Grades 2-5:  5-6:30 pm
Middle/High School:  7-8:30DATES

June 25,
July 16,
July 30,
August 13
Wordplay Creative Writing Workshops 

Perfect for writers and poets interested in learning new poetic techniques and the skills of crafting stories.  Attend all sessions, or sign up for one.
cost $30/ session or $100/series
includes a notebook, light snack and an opportunity to publish work in our publication,  Wordwaves
Young Writers:  (ages 8-11)  4:30-5:30 pm
Teen Workshop (12-up)  6:00-7:00 pmDATES

June 20,
July 18,
Aug. 1,
Aug. 15
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