Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff - For Writers

Need motivation to get creative?  Check out the book list.  Reading is often a good way to begin your writing day. Meditate or smile on a quote.  A jump-start for your writing?  Choose an activity or writing prompt to get you motivated.  Need a support group so your writing doesn't seem so lonely?  Join a group or two and meet like-minded people.  Networking and writer's groups are a way to connect and learn more about the craft and the business aspect of writing.

Find that you are not feeling energized and as happy as you can be?  Pick up a pen or start writing on your computer. Try a poem, short story or write about a personal experience that made you laugh or cry.

Writing can help make you feel better, lose weight, and create world peace.  Okay.  Maybe I do exaggerate. But at least it will set you on the right path.

Are you ready to accept the creative challenge?  Read the pages in this section to help you get ready to write.

Liz was interviewed recently by a student journalist, Gita Mallya, about what it means to be a writer and how to get inspiration.
Read the interview here

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All Rights Reserved.