IMG_6759The California State Parks Foundation is offering an art contest for youth aged 4 – 18.   Why do you think state parks are great places?  Guidelines state “Posters should be no smaller than 8 inches x 10 inches and no larger than 11 inches x 17 inches.   Almost any kind of paper can be used, and we encourage use of chalk, ink, marker, photography, paint, or more.”


Winners receive prize packages, including $50 gift cards from Subway!  Posters will be displayed online at and featured in their publications and media.

Postmark your entry by September 8, 2015.  Winners will be announced in October 2015.

Visit for the entry form which must be accompanied by the art submission.



What :  ”Totem Head’s 2015 Story Contest” 
      Sponsored by Adventure Write 

Who :  The contest is open to US residents under 19 years old. 
Note to parents :  If your child cannot write yet, you may type their words for them. 

1. Ages 8 and under 
2. Ages 9-10 
3. Ages 11-12 
4. Ages 13-18 
5. Under 19 Mystery and Gothic Fiction 
6. Under 19 Story with a Poem (must be a narrative story with a poem–email us with questions) 

When :  Send your entry before 31 Dec 2015. 

One winner from each category will receive the following prizes. 
1. Publication on 
2. $50 cash 
3. Certificate of Achievement 

Judging :  Adventure Write will choose one winner from each category based on: 
1. Suitability for the Adventure Write Kid’s website 
2. Entertainment and Creativity 
3. Spelling, grammar and punctuation 

How to Enter 
1. Finish Totem Head’s Tutorial
2. Write a story in 1500 words or less.  Make your story appropriate for kids.  The first sentence should start with “So there I was”. 
3. Fill out a Contest Entry Form 
4. Scan and email your Contest Entry Form. SUBJECT line of email should be: Entrant Age or Category Entering / Entrant’s Name / Story Title 
5. Paste your story directly into the body of your email. 
6. Email your submission to:   [email protected] 
7. If you prefer, you may send your submission(s) through the mail to: 

Adventure Write – Story Contest 
P.O. Box 872241 
Wasilla AK 99687 

Important Tips 
1. Save a stamp!  You may send multiple entries in one envelope. 
2. Ask someone to proofread your story for spelling, grammar and punctuation. 
4. Get feedback/corrections on your story from a friend, parent or teacher before penning your final draft. 
5. If you’re emailing your entry, make sure you attach your story AND entry form before hitting send. 

Mystery and Gothic Fiction Guidelines 
1. Write a story in 1500 words or less.  Make your story appropriate for kids.  The first sentence should start with “So there I was”. 
2. Stories must be tasteful and contain more mystery or suspense than gore.  Think Twilight Zone, Edgar Allan Poe and Alfred Hitchcock. 
3. Think of it as a mysterious adventure story, without the happy ending–an ending with a lesson instead of warm fuzzies. 
4. A story will compete in ONE category. Contest judges will determine in which category an entry competes. 
5. If the contest judges determine that none of the entries in the gothic fiction category are suitable for The kid’s
website, we will award no prize for that category. 

Story with a Poem Guidelines 
1. Write a story in 1500 words or less.  Make your story appropriate for kids.  The first sentence should start with “So there I was”. 
2. Stories must contain at least one stanza of poetry as part of your story. Maybe your main character finds a poem in her locker or on a map or writes a song…be creative! 
3. A story will compete in ONE category. Contest judges will determine in which category an entry competes. 
4. If the contest judges determine that none of the entries in the Story with a Poem category are suitable for The kid’s website, we will award no prize in that category. 

Please note :  All submissions become the property of Adventure Write, and we cannot return them. 

Winner Notification :  Adventure Write will announce winners on Facebook and notify winners via email and snail mail in March 2016.  We’ll post the winning stories on no later than 31 Mar 2016. 


EssayMama Writing Contest is a great opportunity for both young and experienced writers to express themselves. So don’t hesitate – enter the contest and win great prizes! Entry Fee – $ 0!

Why compete in EssayMama Essay Writing Contest?

Get cash.

  • 1st place – $500
  • 2nd place – $350
  • 3rd place – $200

Get published.

Get fame and popularity! Three best works will be published on the EssayMama Blog.

Get discovered.

Share your writing spirit and talent with the world!

Terms and Conditions

Deadline – October 1, 2015. Submit your essays from July 6 till October 1, 2015.

Judging Criteria

Essays will be checked by EssayMama team of professional writers and editors from October 1, 2015 till October 8, 2015. Scale – from 0 to 100 points. You can get extra points for extra social sharing (see the information below).

The final results will be announced on October 9, 2015. The winning essays will be published on EssayMama blog. Each winner will receive a personal email alert.

How to enter EssayMama Essay Writing Contest?

To enter the contest you need to “like” EssayMama Facebook Page and share the post about EssayMama Writing Contest on your own Facebook page OR to follow EssayMama Twitter Profile and retweet the tweet about EssayMama Writing Contest.

Link to your shared post/tweet is the ‘entry fee’ to the competition, so do not forget to add it to your letter!


You can get extra points for extra social sharing! Share/follow/like other EssayMama social profiles and get more points to your essay score! You can find the links to EssayMama social profiles in the sidebar. Page follow – 5 extra points, post sharing – 2 extra points.

Submission Guidelines

Type Essay (800 – 1300 words) – one participant can send only one essay!


  1. What is the role of social media in education?
  2. A college student’s dilemma: to study or to work?
  3. Online learning: is it effective nowadays?
  4. Why don’t teens read like they used to?
  5. Importance of essay writing in education
  6. What are the effects of illiteracy for the civilization??
  7. The ideal education system: what does it look like?
  8. Causes and effects of academic procrastination

Language English only

Formats .doc, .rtf, .odt, and .docx

100% unique All submissions will be checked via PlagTracker.

 Participation in the contest automatically constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and the rejection of any claim.

 Mail title should be [EssayMama Essay Writing Summer Contest], your name.

Submit to contest[at]

For more information visit


Ideas surround us.  We live them in the small moments of our days


and in our life-changing experiences.


How do we choose which one?

  1.  Live your life keeping your “idea feeler” alert on.  What sensory details strike you?  Characters abound.   Notice their quirks!  Anticipate the “what ifs” and “how comes” everywhere.
  2. What sticks with you at the end of the day?  First thing in the morning?  Keep an idea journal in your phone or in a notebook. Record your dreams to discover what your deeper creative consciousness.
  3. Brainstorm your memories and passions.  Don’t censor!  All ideas can be writing and art inspirations.
  4. After you feel you’ve collected many, put them away.
  5. Walk away from your list. Ruminate.  Which ideas stay with you?  Begin to percolate?

Playing with your idea with words and images will release serendipity!  One thread leads to another.  Above all, have fun with the process!