
Freelance writer and editor, Meghan Ward, will discuss “Writing as a Team Sport” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, February 11, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Ms. Ward will discuss writing at home vs. outside the home, different types of co-working spaces for writers, the San Francisco Grotto, how writers can support and market each other’s work, and blogging and social media.

She is a member of the San Francisco Grotto, an organization founded on the belief that writers are more productive and courageous in a community environment. In addition to working as a freelance writer and editor, Ms. Ward is the founder of Writerland.com, a blog about writing, publishing, and social media. She is the author of Runway: Confessions of a not-so Supermodel, and has published in numerous magazines and newspapers.

Sign-in begins at 11:15, luncheon from 12 to 12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill. The cost is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, February 8, 2017. Contact Robin at [email protected], or phone 925-933-9670. To sign up via PayPal, click “Buy now” on the Mt. Diablo branch website, http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/next-program/. Add $2 transaction fee.







Onstage Theatre is soliciting scripts of short one-act plays to be performed in a festival at the Martinez Campbell Theater next June. Plays may be submitted to Helen Means through the end of January.

Scripts should be original works which run 25 minutes or less. Plays will be selected for production in February, and performances will occur at the Campbell in May or June.

The company will choose three sets of five or six plays to be performed for seven days over two weekends. Directors will be assigned to each of the accepted plays, and open auditions will be held for casting. Five or six plays will be performed on a given evening.

The theater company, in its 38th year, has hosted one-act festivals several times when the company occupied the Old School House in Pleasant Hill. This is Onstage’s first offering of such a festival in Martinez.

Playwrights may submit their works via mail to: One-Act Festival, Onstage Theater, 950 Escondido Court, Alamo, CA 94507.

Onstage Theatre is soliciting scripts of short one-act plays to be performed in a festival at the Martinez Campbell Theater next June. Plays may be submitted to Helen Means through the end of January.

Scripts should be original works which run 25 minutes or less. Plays will be selected for production in February, and performances will occur at the Campbell in May or June.

The company will choose three sets of five or six plays to be performed for seven days over two weekends. Directors will be assigned to each of the accepted plays, and open auditions will be held for casting. Five or six plays will be performed on a given evening.

The theater company, in its 38th year, has hosted one-act festivals several times when the company occupied the Old School House in Pleasant Hill. This is Onstage’s first offering of such a festival in Martinez.

Playwrights may submit their works via mail to: One-Act Festival, Onstage Theater, 950 Escondido Court, Alamo, CA 94507.