
The Hike & Cycle Scholarship – Deadline March 11, 2018

Nature-Saving Rules Contest


  • You must be currently enrolled in high school, university, or college. Applications from all countries are accepted.
  • You must create an original list of nature-saving rules (according to the requirements listed below).
  • The winners will be required to send us proof of their educational status.


  1. The first place winner will get $1,000 and the second place, $500. Note: each participant may send in only one submission and win only one award.
  2. We use student-generated content to write articles and make infographics on various topics concerning the environment. Your contribution will help raise awareness among people reading our blog posts!
  3. The best authors can count on their writing being published on our blog. Naturally, that means our readers will see your name!
  4. Winners will receive individual certificates from


    1. Prepare a list of nature-saving rules on one of the following subjects:
      • The Nature-Saving Rules of Responsible Camping
      • How Hikers Can Make Sure That They Don’t Hurt Wildlife
      • Recommendations for Responsible Behavior Near Bodies of Water

You’re free to focus on a specific outdoor activity (climbing, cycling, kayaking, etc.) or write more generally.

  1. Make up a creative, catchy title that reflects your ideas.
  2. Share the scholarship post on social media using Google+, Twitter, and Facebook. The links to the shared post must be sent along with your application.
  3. Send your list and all necessary links to [email protected].

By sending us your application, you confirm that you understand the rules of participation and that you are willing to accept the decision of the judges.


  1. Your work must be structured in the form of a list and must be directly connected to one of the three given topics.
  2. Your list must:
    • Be written in English
    • Include five to ten rules
    • Be no longer than 400 words
    • Be 100% plagiarism-free (see details at
    • Have a file name of “Nature_Scholarship_First Name_Last Name”
    • Be sent in .doc or .docx format
    • Be submitted within the deadline
      Note that submission starts on November 1, 2017, and ends at midnight EST on March 11, 2018.
  3. Your list must be shared on social media.

If you have some unorthodox or groundbreaking ideas, you should definitely give this contest a try! We encourage all participants to show their creative side.

Although the preferred number of rules on the list is five to ten, four or even eleven rules may be accepted. But only if the rules are good enough to deserve it!


We have a special panel of skillful writers and editors with significant experience in hiking, camping, and various outdoor activities. These judges will evaluate your work based on these requirements:

  1. Usefulness. Make sure that your advice can be practically implemented and is helpful. (40 points)
  2. Originality. The more daring and unorthodox your ideas are, the greater your chances of winning! (30 points)
  3. Clarity. Your work should get straight to the point without unnecessary digressions. (30 points)


On April 1, 2018, will publish the seven most outstanding lists, and from there, our online audience will be the judge. What’s the mechanism for voting? It’s simple: the writer with most shares of his or her post on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ will have higher chances of winning! Our support team will make sure that cheating is not possible. On April 20, 2018, we will count the shares.

To determine the final scholarship winners, we will take into consideration the results of online voting as well as the opinion of our esteemed experts.


On April 27, 2018, will publish the list of winners. Once proof of enrollment has been provided, the two winners will receive their awards. If the winner does not provide that proof, the award will be given to another suitable participant.

Visit  for more information.