
1. POETS WANTED! 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be selected in each contest category.
2. The five (5) contest categories include the following: Who Is The Most Important Person In My Life? What Treasure
Would I Like To Discover? What Don’t I Know About You That I Should? What Would I Do If I Ruled The World?
Should We Be Thinking About Today Or Tomorrow?
3. Poets may submit a maximum of three (3) poems. Select three (3) of the contest categories and submit one poem from
4. Poems may be in rhyme, free verse, Haiku, or other accepted poetry forms and of any length, up to a maximum of 60 lines.
5. Poems should be written in English. They should be typewritten and not centered (read left to right). Please use the Arial font
12-point. The title should be listed at the top of the poem and the category should be included at the top right corner of the
poem page. The name of the poet should not be indicated on the poem.
6. Young Poets, 18-years of age or under, are encouraged to submit poems and will compete in a special “Young Poets”
category. Young poets should follow the same rules as noted above. However, they should include their age, grade, and
school on the Entry Form.
7. All poems must be submitted on hard copy to the address listed on the Entry Form below and must be received no later than
Saturday, July 20, 2019.
8. Early submissions are appreciated. A separate Entry Form should be attached to the hard copy of each poem submitted.
Duplication of the form is permitted. Questions—contact Alan Lowe at [email protected]
9. The top three winners in each category will be contacted by phone. Winners will be asked to submit their poems
electronically, by email attachment. Winners will read their poems on Sunday, October 13, 2019, at the Voices of Lincoln
event to be held from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m., Lincoln Public Library at Twelve Bridges (Willow Room), 485 Twelve Bridges Drive,
Lincoln, CA. Winners also will be presented with a commemorative chapbook of the winning poems.
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(One Per Poem – PLEASE PRINT)
Name: _____________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________ City: ___________________ State: _____ Zip: ______
Young Poets Only–Age: ______ Grade: ______ School: __________________________________________________________
Contest Categories (Check appropriate category of poem submitted): ___ Who Is The Most Important Person In My Life?
___ What Treasure Would I Like To Discover? ___ What Don’t I Know About You That I Should? ___ What Would I Do If I Ruled
The World? ___ Should We Be Thinking About Today Or Tomorrow?
Title of Poem Submitted: ____________________________________________________________________
Please insure that poems comply with all contest rules. No names should appear on the poems submitted. Include the title at the top of
the poem. Place the category at the top right corner of the poem page. Use a paper clip to attach a copy of this Entry Form (cut along
dotted line) to each poem submitted. Mail the poem to Voices of Lincoln Poetry Contest, c/o Alan Lowe, 1235 Picket Fence Lane, Lincoln,
CA 95648. Poems must be received no later than Saturday, July 20, 2019. Early submissions are appreciated.

The National Organization for Women Foundation once again hosts our annual poster contest to celebrate the Love Your Body Campaign.

The winning posters are featured on the website and used to promote Love Your Body events.

Before submitting posters to the contest, please look at past winners and familiarize yourself with the campaign. Winning posters will be chosen based on how well they counteract the media’s use of narrow, unrealistic, negative images of women and/or challenge advertisers that profit from women’s dissatisfaction with their bodies.

Posters should be graphically attractive and use dynamic messaging. We especially look for images that demonstrate beauty is not limited by body size, body type, ethnicity, age or physical appearance. The winning posters will be displayed in schools and other public settings, so please consider this when designing your poster.

IMPORTANT: Each entry must include the artist’s full name, address, phone number, valid e-mail address and category number on the back of each poster. See the prizes section below to determine what category you are in.

Digital Artwork: Digital submissions are accepted in PNG or PDF formats. The poster must include the words 2019 Love Your Body Campaign and the NOW Foundation web site address, www.nowfoundation.org. Digital submission should be sent to [email protected].

Physical Artwork: Poster should be no larger than 9″ x 12″. The poster must include the words 2019 Love Your Body Campaign and the NOW Foundation web site address, www.nowfoundation.org. If you are a category winner, you will be asked for an electronic file of your poster at that time.

Artists may submit multiple posters in the same category, but may not submit posters in different categories. Categories are determined by the age of the designer/artist. If submitting multiple entries, please send them all in one envelope or package.

Entries are accepted from all countries and are open to all gender identities.

Only original artwork will be considered.

Copyrighted Images/Subjects: Original signed release forms are required for copyrighted images or materials. Release forms are also needed for “subjects,” whether public or private citizens. Release forms are not provided by NOW Foundation.

  1. Don’t submit collages or posters that mimic ad campaigns (e.g. MasterCard “priceless” commercial) or use images of celebrities, models or others who have not granted you permission to use their image.
  2. Don’t send an electronic entry.
  3. Don’t include three-dimensional elements that cannot be reproduced on paper.
  4. Don’t mount, frame or laminate your entry.
  5. Don’t send copy larger than 9″ x 12″.
  6. Do include requested information on the back of the poster.
  7. Do put the year (2019) on your entry, not the full date (e.g. October 18, 2019).

All submissions must be mailed to:
NOW Foundation LYB Poster Contest
1100 H Street, NW, Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005
Deadline: Postmarked April 21, 2019

Category I: $250 prize for open competition (non-student)

Category II: $200 prize for college (undergraduate or graduate student)

Category III: $150 prize for high school student

Category IV: $100 prize for elementary or middle school student

Categories apply to the age of the designer/artist. This contest is open to all gender identities.

One poster will be selected as the grand prize winner* to serve as the official 2019 Love Your Body Campaign poster and will be featured on the NOW Foundation web site. The grand prize winner will be chosen from among the four category winners and will receive an additional prize of $100.

  • *The NOW Foundation reserves the right to alter the final poster design or to reject all submissions for the final poster design. All category prizes will be awarded even if no design is accepted for the official poster.
  • All submissions become the property of the NOW Foundation and may be used for commercial purposes. No entries will be returned, so please keep all your files and/or scan your work.