
25%    That’s how much we Californians must cut our water usage.  Since we’ve already been conserving, it isn’t going to be easy.  But we will do it.

How many words are in your latest manuscript?  Cut 25% of them.

It won’t be easy?  Yes, it’s difficult at first, but soon it becomes addictive.  Make it a game.

How concise can you write?

Writing Prompts:

  1.  Note how many words you’ve written.  Read your piece out loud.  Begin with the last sentence.   Check for clarity.  Are the tenses right?  Can you say that sentence any more succinctly?
  2. Put your writing away for a while.   Time is your friend.  When you read it again, you’ll see your words through fresh eyes.
  3. Share it with a writing friend or writers’ group.
  4. How many words is your piece now?  Have you shortened the word length by at least 25%?
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