Contest Deadline Approaches!

Attention Contra Costa Middle School Students!  The California Writers Club Young Writers Contest deadline is Monday, April 12!  That means your manuscripts must be POSTMARKED (mailed) by that date.  (Not after the post office closes on April 12.  They will stamp it April 13.)

Send us as many entries as you like, as long as you follow the guidelines.  I’ll be checking the post box next week and organizing the manuscripts into the appropriate grades and categories.  Next, I deliver them to the judges.  (I judge a couple of categories myself.)

Reading the wonderful stories, poems and personal narratives/essays are fun and inspiring!   After we read them several times, we talk and e-mail each other about the submissions. 

We try to judge them as quickly as possible.  When they judges get back to me, I call the winners personally.  Then I announce them here.  Some judges are more quick at their jobs than others.  Don’t worry if you don’t hear right away.   It does take time to read all of the submissions several times. 

Good luck!

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