
Andrew Benzie will present “Promoting Your Book: Building a Successful Marketing Strategy” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo branch of the California Writers Club on Saturday, September 9, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Andrew Benzie of Andrew Benzie Books will discuss how to effectively brand and promote your book, whether you are traditionally or self-published. Attendees will learn how to create a powerful brand, to successfully promote to maximize sales, to build and implement a solid marketing strategy, and to maximize a book’s visibility.

Bay Area native Andrew Benzie has over 30 years of experience in the design industry. He has worked for corporate art departments as well as a freelance designer for his own company, ABCD (Andrew Benzie Creative Design.) He established his publishing company in 2010 to help authors design, publish, and market their books.

Sign-in begins at 11:15 am, luncheon 12:00 pm to 12:45, including a short business meeting, and speaker from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, September 6, 2017. To reserve, contact Robin at [email protected], leave a message at 925-933-9670, or sign up via PayPal: click “buy now” on the Mt. Diablo website, http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/next-program/. Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation.










Molly Williams, Publishing Director at Big Hat Press in Lafayette, will present “Not Only the Cover—Judge a Book by its Pages” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, June 10, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Williams will discuss details of book design to make a self-published book look professional according to industry standards. She will cover common mistakes in self-published books, as well as margins, pagination, and formatting, and where you can be more creative in technical design elements.

She has been in the publishing industry for over ten years. At Big Hat Press, she personally works with clients on design, setup, and layout from start to finish.

Sign-in is 11:15 am. Luncheon 12:00-12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, June 7th. Contact Robin Gigoux at [email protected] or by phone at (925) 933-9670.  Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation. For PayPal, click “Buy Now’ on the Mt. Diablo website: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.comnext-program/. Add a $2.00 transaction fee.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/



Special guest Tim J. Myers will present “Becoming a Writer” at the next meeting of the Mount Diablo branch, California Writers Club at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill on Saturday, May 13, 2017.

The Annual Young Writers Contest Award Ceremony and luncheon honors the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade winners from Contra Costa County middle schools in poetry, short story, personal narrative, and humor.

Mr. Myers will define the writing life, its pros and cons, and the main paths of a writer’s development, using practical life strategies.

His children’s books have won recognition from The New York Times, NPR, and the Smithsonian. He’s written non-fiction and science fiction, and is a prize-winning published poet and songwriter.

Sign-in starts at 11:15 am, luncheon 12:00 pm to 12:45, and speaker from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, May 10. To reserve, contact Robin at [email protected], leave a message at 925-933-9670, or sign up via PayPal: click “buy now” on the Mt. Diablo website, http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/next-program/. Add $2 transaction fee. Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/





Freelance writer and editor, Meghan Ward, will discuss “Writing as a Team Sport” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, February 11, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Ms. Ward will discuss writing at home vs. outside the home, different types of co-working spaces for writers, the San Francisco Grotto, how writers can support and market each other’s work, and blogging and social media.

She is a member of the San Francisco Grotto, an organization founded on the belief that writers are more productive and courageous in a community environment. In addition to working as a freelance writer and editor, Ms. Ward is the founder of Writerland.com, a blog about writing, publishing, and social media. She is the author of Runway: Confessions of a not-so Supermodel, and has published in numerous magazines and newspapers.

Sign-in begins at 11:15, luncheon from 12 to 12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill. The cost is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, February 8, 2017. Contact Robin at [email protected], or phone 925-933-9670. To sign up via PayPal, click “Buy now” on the Mt. Diablo branch website, http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/next-program/. Add $2 transaction fee.







Catharine Bramkamp will present “Finding the True Wizard: Social Media Strategies for Authors” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, January 14, 2017 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Ms. Bramkamp will discuss how to create a 30-second book promotion/description, how to think differently about social media and your book, and what you can and cannot use as your platform.

She is a long-time member of Redwood Writers, has published twelve novels (including the Future Girls series), three books on writing, many poems and a poetry chapbook. Ms. Bramkamp is also the editor for the Redwood Writers anthology, and works for a wine company as their storytelling officer.

Sign-in is 11:15 am. Luncheon 12:00-12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, January 11, 2017. Contact Robin Gigoux at [email protected] or by phone at (925) 933-9670.  Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation. For PayPal, click “Buy Now’ on the Mt. Diablo website: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.comnext-program/. Add a $2.00 transaction fee.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/

Catherine Bramkamp’s site is www.yourbookstartshere.com




Three local authors will share “Resources for Writers” at the next luncheon meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Jil Plummer will discuss resources for research: how to find correct flora, fauna, and climate, feel the mood of the setting, and capture the culture, religion, and history of your subject.

Bill Stong will talk about drawing the reader in with challenges and writing goals, vivid and vibrant writing, and using a support network to make your writing come alive.

Leslie Rupley will present choices for the independent publisher: boutique publishers, all-inclusive packages, and do-it-yourself.

Sign-in begins at 11:15 am, with a seated luncheon from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm. Meal selection should be included in your reservation: New York steak, salmon, chicken parmesan, or pasta primavera. Speakers from 1:00 to 2:00 pm. $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, December 7.

Contact Robin at [email protected] or leave a message at: 925-933-9670 or sign up via PayPal: click “buy now” on the Mt.Diablo website.: http://cwcmtdiablowriters,wordpress.com/next-program/.  Add $2 transaction fee. Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com



Anita Amirrezvani will present “Write from the Inside Out” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Ms. Amirrezvani will discuss how to create meaningful and unique writing: mine the existential truth of your everyday life, draw on the richness of your cultural heritage, and how to use simple research techniques to deepen your work.

She was born in Tehran and raised in San Francisco. Her first novel, The Blood of Flowers, has appeared in 31 languages, and was long-listed for one of the U.K.’s top literary prizes, the 2008 Orange Prize for Fiction. Her second novel is Equal of the Sun, and she’s co-edited an anthology with author Persis Karim. She has given international book readings, and teaches at the California College of the Arts.

Sign-in is 11:15 am. Luncheon 12:00-12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, September 7th. Contact Robin Gigoux at [email protected] or by phone at (925) 933-9670.  Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation. For PayPal, click “Buy Now’ on the Mt. Diablo website: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.comnext-program/. Add a $2.00 transaction fee.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/



LeeAnne Krusemark will present “Writing Irresistible Query Letters” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

LeeAnne Krusemark will discuss: What to include and leave out, how to establish credibility in your query, how to create an effective “elevator pitch” and other query letter essentials.

She is an adjunct online publishing professor for Harvard, and more than 1,000 other facilities worldwide, a speaker, former journalist, editor, and author of magazine articles and several business books. She also represents writers as an editor and agent.

Sign-in is 11:15 am. Luncheon 12:00-12:45 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, June 8th. Contact Robin Gigoux at [email protected] or by phone at (925) 933-9670.  Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation. For PayPal, click “Buy Now’ on the Mt. Diablo website: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.comnext-program/. Add a $2.00 transaction fee.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/


Congratulations to the winners of the CWC Young Writers Contest in Contra Costa County!

The Young Writers Contest Award Winners will be honored at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

Special Guest speaker, Heather Mackey, will discuss “Turning Ideas into Stories.” She will cover story hunting, ideas, building a story, and why storytelling matters.

Heather Mackey is a kid’s lit author of fantasy adventure novels. Her books include Dreamwood, and the forthcoming The Shadow Clock. She is a member of the National Writing Project’s Writers Council, and consults with the online student writing community, Write the World.

Sign-in is 11:00 am.. Awards 11:30. Luncheon 12:15 pm. Speaker 1-2 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.
Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, May11th. Contact Robin Gigoux at [email protected]. or by phone at (925) 933-9670. Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation. For PayPal, click “Buy Now’ on the Mt. Diablo website: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.comnext-program/. Add a $2.00 transaction fee.
The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/



Tamim Ansary will present “Why Do We Write?” at the next meeting of the Mt. Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club (CWC) on Saturday, April 9, 2016 at Zio Fraedo’s Restaurant, 611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill.

He will explain why writing is hard, why we do it anyway, what to do when the piece refuses to be written, and what’s the best that can happen?

Tamim Ansary is the author of the celebrated memoir, West of Kabul, East of New York, and writes fiction, non-fiction, history, and essays on politics, and a wide range of other subjects. He teaches through the Osher Institute, and runs a workshop on memoir writing.

Sign-in is from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm, luncheon 12:00 pm to 12:45, including a short business meeting, and speaker from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Registration is $25 for CWC members, $30 for guests.

Reservations are required, and must be received no later than noon on Wednesday, April 6. To reserve, contact Robin at [email protected], leave a message at 925-933-9670, or sign up via PayPal: click “buy now” on the Mt. Diablo website, http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/next-program/. Add $2 transaction fee. Expect confirmation only if you e-mail your reservation.

The California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Branch web address is: http://cwcmtdiablowriters.wordpress.com/