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Contest Countdown is here!

Attention Contra Costa County Middle School Students!  Today is March 20 and your short stories, poems and personal narratives are due POSTMARKED on April 1.    The best part about this contest is NO ONE TELLS YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD WRITE!  There is no theme.  You don’t have to write about what you did on your summer vacation, who your role model is, or why you love broccoli.  You can write about whatever YOU choose!  AND you can enter as many times as you like!  In as many categories.  Just follow the guidelines.  

In addition to the prizes listed, we award many honorable mentions.  Go for it!  What do you have to lose?   Have fun writing! 

California Writers Club Young Writers Contest Guidelines 2011

 California Writers Club, Mt. Diablo Branch, Contra Costa County


Honoring a New Generation of California Writers

     See mtdiablowriters.org for contest information



Home Address_________________________________________________

Number   &  Street                  City                                             Zip

Home Phone_____________________E-mail Address________________



First and Last Name of your English (Creative Writing)


Manuscript Title__________________________________

MANUSCRIPT CATEGORIES (please check one):

_____ Short Story (up to 5 pages typed, double-spaced)

_____ Poem (up to 30 lines, can be single or double-spaced)

_____ Personal Narrative/Essay (up to 3 pages, typed, double-spaced)

Mail submissions to:  Young Writers Contest, California Writers Club, PO Box 606, Alamo, CA  94507

DON’T MISS OUT:  Only entries that follow the guidelines EXACTLY will be considered!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CONTEST GUIDELINES:

1. Contest open to 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who live in or attend school in Contra Costa County.

2. Submit 2 copies of your manuscript. Do not include artwork or a cover. Your manuscript must be typed or computer generated at 12 point, double-spaced. No staples. Paper clips only.

3. Put your name in the upper left-hand corner of each page. Number each page.  Put manuscript title on the first page.

4. Multiple entries are welcome.  Each entry must be accompanied by a separate application form (above) or 3×5 card noting: name; home address; home phone; school; grade; e-mail address; teacher; manuscript title; and category.

5. Deadline:  Manuscripts must be postmarked by April 1, 2011. Winners will be announced when judging is complete.


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PRIZES: Winning short stories and poems from each grade level will receive $100 for first prize, $50 for second prize and $25 for third prize. The Betty Tenney Essay Award of $100 will be given to the best personal narrative/essay in each grade. Second and third place prizes may be awarded in this category at the judges’ discretion. Prizes will be presented to winners on May 21, 2011, at a lunch banquet. A published author will speak. Parents are welcome.

TEACHERS: We are striving to encourage individual creativity and expression. Do not send entire class assignments. Teachers of winning students will be invited to attend the May 21 banquet.

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