More on the Daughters of the American Revolution Contest
2009–2010 topic: Describe how you felt on May 10, 1869, when the golden spike was driven at Promontory Summit, Utah, to celebrate the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad. Pretend you are either a settler planning to use the train to travel to your new home in the West, an Irish or Chinese worker who helped build the line, or a Native American whose way of life was greatly affected by the railroad.
PARTICIPANTS: All grade 5, 6, 7, and 8 students in a public, private, or parochial school, or those who are home
schoolers, are eligible.
LENGTH: Grade 5: 300 – 600 words
Grades 6, 7, and 8: 600 – 1,000 words
FORM: To be handwritten in black ink, typed, or prepared on a computer or word processor, using black type in a non-script font no smaller than 12 point or larger than 14 point. (A limited vision student may use Braille, a
tape recorder, or very large type. A written transcript must be included, as well as a teacher’s or physician’s
letter attesting to the student’s special need.)
Must be the student’s original work.
Must have a title page listing the following:
Title: “The Transcontinental Railroad”
(A subtitle is permitted if written below the topic.)
Contestant’s full name and address. (Street, RR, PO Box, City, State, Zip Code) Note: If the school’s regulations prohibit providing the student contact information, then school contact information may be
substituted. Contestant’s telephone number (with area code) and e-mail address, if available
Name of contestant’s school with grade level indicated
Name of sponsoring DAR chapter
Number of words in essay
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Essay must have a bibliography listing all references utilized. Internet resources, if used, should be cited
in similar format to that used for printed resources. Add the electronic address used to access the
document as supplementary information.
Any essay with information copied directly from sources without using quotes will be disqualified.
Judging will be based on historical accuracy, adherence to topic, organization of material, interest,
originality, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness. Pictures, maps, drawings, graphics, and other
such additions will not be considered in judging and should not be included.
So, this story HAS to take place on May 10, 1869?
This is a bit confusing. When I research it says the transcontinental railroad connected the east and west coasts. But when I look at maps, the railroad only goes from California to Nebraska. From where to where does the railroad go?
Thank You!
Fatima – Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Can you search more library books for the answer or ask a reference librarian? Many times I just call the library and ask a librarian my questions and they help me a lot! (Maybe we can search this out at the Clayton Library.)
Here is a free internet resource guide I made for my wife, who teaches fifth and sixth grade students who enter the DAR American History essay contest each year. She said I should put it out for others to use.