New Poetry Journal Accepting Student Submissions
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of being invited to the opening party of Bread and Circuses, the lit journal from our very own Contra Costa County. The first issue was made possible by a grant from Youth Speaks. Although students from Miramonte High School are its editors, it is unaffiliated with the school.
Senior Annelyse Gelman, editor-in-chief, tells me they are open to submissions of poetry, prose, letters, recipes, reviews, interviews, manifestos, photos, scripts, confessions, paintings, collages, essays, cartoons, found art . . . all can be submitted by anyone . . . any age.
The second issue will be out this summer, so submit your best work to breadandcircuseszine (at) gmail (dot) com. Her note says to leave the email formatted like that so she doesn’t get spam. My question is how will the email get through like that? But then, this is from me, the most non-techno person blogging today . . .
When is the due date? Is there a link with additional information?
Thanks for posting this!
Liz– I only meant that in your blog you should leave the email formatted as breadandcircuseszine (at) gmail (dot) com, so that any robots surfing the net don’t send us automated messages. Anyone actually emailing in a submission/question/comment should format it just like a regular email, with an at sign and a period where (at) and (dot) are right now, and without any spaces. Sorry for the confusion!
Fatima– There’s no due date, but the sooner you submit, the happier we’ll be and the more likely you’ll be published. Before August would be excellent. We’re a very new publication so we don’t have a website yet, but there is a longer call for submissions. If you’d like to see that and/or ask any other questions, just send us an email at breadandcircuseszine (at) gmail (dot) com.
can submissions be anonymous?