San Francisco Bay Area Free Writing Portfolio Workshop for Eighth Grade Students!

Nov 23,2013, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM @
Creative Writing classroom on the SOTA Campus (555 Portola Drive) San Francisco School of the Arts
If you’re in eighth grade and want to assemble a strong portfolio of creative writing that highlights your unique voice, this workshop is for you. 826 Valencia is teaming up with SOTA’s Creative Writing department to offer a class that will help you refine a portfolio that you can use for applying to SOTA or other schools or summer programs. The deadline for the SOTA application is December 6, so this class arrives just in time to offer you feedback on your work, answer your questions about the application process, and help you get through any writer’s block or feeling stuck.

Two current SOTA seniors, Giorgia Peckman and Frances Saux, and Writer-in-Residence Maia Ipp will lead the class with 826 Valencia’s Molly Parent and a crew of SOTA 10th-12th graders. To learn more about SOTA’s Creative Writing department, including the application process, check out

What to bring to the workshop: a portfolio of your writing that you’d like to share and receive feedback about; if you plan to apply to SOTA for Creative Writing, this would include 3 short stories; 10 poems; and a 5-10 page one-act play. Bring as many pieces of writing as you have ready for feedback (in any draft stage)! We don’t expect you to arrive with a complete portfolio.

Taught By: Maia Ipp, Giorgia Peckman and Frances Saux

One-on-One Portfolio Help with Creative Writing Students & Staff Tuesday, November 19 or Thursday, November 21@ 826 Valencia St.
Free, but registration is required
November 19 and November 21, from 6 pm to 8 pm both nights

What to bring: One or two pieces of writing for your portfolio on which you’d like feedback. You can bring them as hard copies, on a thumb drive, or in an email to yourself.

Parents, students, or teachers: For more information, please contact Maia Ipp at [email protected] or Molly Parent at [email protected].

Heads up, Contra Costa Middle School Students!

Next year’s California Young Writers Contest will have a new category. We have received a grant to include a special prize for humor! Sharpen your pencils and start practicing now! And note the free writing workshop where you can ask questions, receive hand-printed guidelines, and interact with other young writers will be Feb. 1, 2014 9-Noon at the downtown Walnut Creek Library. Teachers, why not give your students extra credit for their attendance?

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