Support California Arts Education!

Oppose Assembly Bill 554

The California Alliance for Arts Education monitors all proposed state legislation related to arts education in the public schools. Each year several bills merit either a letter of support or opposition based on the implications for arts education.

On special occasions we ask you to weigh in when we feel legislators need to hear your voice directly. Today we ask you to express your opposition to Assembly Bill 554 (Furatani).

AB 554 would allow students to waive the existing graduation requirements and substitute career technical education classes for visual and performing arts. foreign language, and physical education classes.

While we support creating pathways to the 21st century workforce, we believe this legislation unfairly target arts education and prevents students from gaining equitable access to the unique skills and qualities encouraged by learning in the arts.

Please contact the members of the State Assembly Education Committee, where the bill is scheduled to be heard on April 1 to send a strong message of support for arts education and opposition to AB 554.

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