Tag Archive for: Flash Prose Contest

WRITER ADVICE – 7th Annual Flash Prose Contest.  Short Fiction/Memoir, 750 words max. First Prize: $200, Deadline: April 18.  Guidelines: www.writeradvice.com  Questions:  [email protected]

Fifth Annual Flash Prose Contest SPONSORED BY WRITER ADVICE,

www.writeradvice.com, is searching for flash fiction, memoir, and creative non-fiction that grabs, surprises, and mesmerizes readers in fewer than 750 words. If you have a story or memoir with a strong theme, sharp images, a solid structure, and an unexpected discovery, please submit it to the WriterAdvice Flash Prose Contest. DEADLINE: April 15, 2010

JUDGES: Former prizewinners, Gabrielle Hovendon, Lisa Shafter, Katie Flynn, and Linda Weiford are this year’s judges. Read their pieces and biographies by clicking on the Archived Contest Entries button at www.writeradvice.com.

PRIZES: First Place earns $150; Second Place earns $75; Third Place earns $50; Fourth Place earns $25; Honorable Mentions will also be published.

All entries should be typed, double-spaced and submitted in hard copy, not e-mail. Entries must be postmarked by April 15, 2010.

Send them to B. Lynn Goodwin, WriterAdvice, P.O. Box 2665, Danville, CA 94526. You may enter UP TO THREE stories. Enclose a $10 check for EACH entry made payable to B. Lynn Goodwin. This will help defray the costs of the contest.

 If no prizes are awarded, checks will be refunded. Include a separate cover sheet with your name, address, phone number, current e-mail address, and each story title. Please include only your title top of each page of your story. Finalists will be asked to submit a brief biography as well as an e-mail copy of the story. Names of all winners will be announced in the summer issue of WriterAdvice, www.writeradvice.com. SPECIAL

PERK: All entries accompanied by an SASE will be returned with brief comments. E-mail questions, but not submissions to editor B. Lynn Goodwin at [email protected].
