Hollywood Producer/Agent Marilyn Atlas led an excellent writing workshop where focused on character. She gave a multitude of terrific writing tips and I’ll share one of them. She discussed three reasons characters resonate with readers or viewers.
The characters are:
1. fascinating or
2. mysterious or
3. relatable
Writing Prompts:
1. Study a memorable character in literature or film. Is this person fascinating? If so, how? Mysterious? Explain. Can you relate with her/him? What makes him/her relatable?
2. What about the piece you are composing now? If your protagonist isn’t fascinating, mysterious or relatable, invent back story and layers so he/she will be compelling.
3. Before you write your project, spend time crafting your characters. Draft scenes of conflict. Every page should have tension, which can be done in subtext.
4. What is subtext? Express characters through dialogue about one thing, while under their words remain an underlying meaning.