Tag Archive for: or personal narrative or essay

One question that has appeared in my e-mail box recently is one concerning titles.  No, a title isn’t required for your entry for the California Writers Club Mt. Diablo Young Writers Contest, but it’s great if you have one.       

Why is it good to have a title?  

A good title is intriguing for the reader.  It tempts the reader to read on. 

In our case for this contest, it’s helpful as we judge the entries, for identifying the poem “that begins with the line  . . .” is more difficult than if we are able to distinguish a short story, personal narrative or poem by its specific title. 

However, we have had winners not title their pieces. On their awards, we list it simply as Untitled

How should you find a good title?

You’ll know it when you have found it.  You’ll feel when it’s the right title.  Brainstorm a bunch of them.  It might be in your actual poem, story or essay.  What is the theme of your piece?  What does the main character want?  What does she or he fear?  Perhaps answering these questions might lead you to your title.