Tag Archive for: write about dogs

American Kennel Club’s 26th Annual Fiction Writing Contest is now accepting entries for our 26th Annual Fiction Contest. The winners will receive: $500 for first place, $250 for second place, and $100 for third place. Winning stories will be published in AKC Family Dog as space allows.


1. The contest is open to anyone except employees of the American Kennel Club and their immediate families.

2. Entries must be original, unpublished stories that have not been offered to or accepted by ano other publishers. Only one entry per author.

3. The American Kennel Club retains the right to publish the three prize-winning entries in AKC Family Dog or other AKC publications.

4. Entries may feature either a purebred of mixed breed dog. The maximum length is 2,000 words. Entries exceeding that length will not be considered.

6. The author’s name, address, and phone number must appear on the first page. The author’s name and the page number must appear on each successive page.

7. AKC Publictions cannot acknowledge receipt of manuscripts and assumes no responsibility for any entry under any circumstances. Entries will not be returned. No phone calls, please.

8. All acceptable entries will be read by a panel of judges selected by AKC Publications. They will choose the winners based on the style, content, originality and appeal of the story. All decisions are final. Winners will be announced in an issue of AKC Family Dog in 2013.

Deadline: Entries must be postmarked by January 31, 2013

Send entries to:

AKC Publications Fiction Contest
The American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016


For submissions: AKC Publications Fiction Contest, The American Kennel Club, 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Website: http://www.akc.org