Tag Archive for: Writing about elephant seals

 This past week my cousin came from Wisconsin and we played tourist, taking her places in Northern California, including Ano Nuevo, where male elephant seals are currently moulting.  Even though there are no females around, a few of the younger seals practiced showing dominance, as showed in the photo, and with their tremendous, guttural wails.

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Seals flipped sand onto their backs and bellies as a cooling mechanism, as it was a warm day.  One seal became a sand mound; so he wiggled out only to start sand-flipping all over again. 

Writing Prompts:

  1. Study a creature in nature.  Describe its habits, vocalizations, or body movements.  How does it relate/communicate to others?
  2. Write a poem, short story or personal experience based on this being. 
  3. Is your summer filled with day trips or longer travel?  Keep a travel journal.  Collect photos and paper souvenirs which can help recreate your experiences. 
  4. Create art or writing based on an anecdote in your journal.