Tag Archive for: Yankee Publishing

Announcing the 2010 Farmer’s Almanac Essay Contest Topic:  The Kindest Thing Anyone Ever Did for Me. 

In 200 words or less, please tell us about an act of kindness that you experienced. 

Rules:  Cash prizes (first, $250; second, $150; third, $100) will be awarded for the best essay on the subject “The Kindest Thing Anyone Ever Did for Me.”  All entries become the property of Yankee Publishing, which reserves all rights to the material.  The deadline for entries is Friday, January 29, 2010.  Label “Essay Contest” and send to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, P.O. Box 520 Dublin, NH, 03444; [email protected]

Include your name, mailing address and em-mail address.  Winners will be announced in The 2011 Old Farmer’s Almanac and on Almanac.com/Contests.
